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- "2050 Net Zero City Expo" in Taipei, Taiwan ( March 28 to 31, 2023)
Asia's top IoT application exhibition "2023 Smart City Summit & Expo" and the first "2050 Net Zero City Expo" will be held at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, from March 28 to 31. One of the partners of the SSBTi alliance, Minz Inc. and EcoSmart Co., also participated in this exhibition this year, aiming at creating a zero-carbon-emission office environment, launching new products, and releasing zero-carbon-emission solutions. In this net-zero city exhibition, Minz and EcoSmart will also publish product research results, and invite supply chain partners to work together to achieve the 2050 net-zero emission goal. All are welcome to visit. (The exhibition space of EcoSmart and Minz is located in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, Ministry of Economic Affairs Hall, Industrial Bureau Exhibition Area R303) 亞洲頂尖規模的物聯網應用展覽活動「2023智慧城市展」以及首屆「2050淨零城市展」將於3月28日到31日,在台北南港展覽2館登場。SSBTi 聯盟合作伙伴之一的明治實業與艾可智能公司,今年也參加這項展覽,以打造零碳排辦公室環境為目標,推出全新產品並發表零碳排解決方案。 本次淨零城市展,明治實業與艾可智能公司也將發表產品研究成果,邀請供應鏈夥伴共同為達2050年淨零排放目標的努力。歡迎各界蒞臨。 ★ 艾可智能與明治實業公司展櫃,位於台北南港展覽2館,經濟部館,工業局展區R303 The introduction of "The Solution of Carbon Net Zero System" by Minz Inc. and EcoSmart is as follows: 明治實業與艾可智能公司「零碳排解決方案」介紹如下: #明治綠智慧 #MinzGreenSmart #CarbonNetZero
- SSBTi合作案例研究方向:國際碳市場
1. 標準化與效率化的碳市場:受到限制排放 CO2 的實體與可驗證之永久去除大氣中 CO2 的實體之間進行交易的市場,需要「標準化與效率化」以便為減少碳排放創造動力,並為廣大數万億的交易市場提供「可行並沒有漂白」的氣候解決方案。 2. 困難點:目前不存在廣泛接受的碳核算方法和低成本的倡議驗證機制,使得這些交易不可信且不可行。 3. 核心問題:碳核算需要以從大氣中去除碳並將其隔離在陸地和海洋中的科學為基礎,這需要嚴格的量化、針對「生命週期」及各種不確定性估計和測量。 4. 資源:台灣及國際的一流大學在此領域數十年的研究提供了這樣的科學基礎。 5. 倡議行動:SSBTi 加速器的倡議非常適合利用這門科學思考,召集各種企業、政府、學術機構和非營利相關者;並幫助開發相關方法和風險指標以創建碳會計標準。 6. 角色與功能:從美國Stanford大學的說法,大學機構並不是監督新型碳核算框架的最佳人選。為了擴展這種方法,需要類似SSBTi的永續再生加速器來啟動一個國際非營利組織的運作,以實現以「科學減碳」為重點的交易的國際貿易協定。 發表者: 汪瑞民 Raymond Wang SSBTi 聯盟主席 一點五度科學減碳倡議標準協會理事長 台灣磁原科技股份有限公司董事長 參考資料:史丹佛大學永續學院,康乃爾大學創新計畫,台灣大學永續工作室
- Kick-off meeting for 2022 Big Plan by 1.5c.SSBTi.org *
Set up a Supply Chain Council in Taiwan & Start Green-Bee-House Project for Bio-Friendly Farming! *1.5c.SSBTi.org is a regional branch for SSBTi.org SBTi project kick-off: On November 8, 2022, SSBTi.org set up its regional supply chain council: 1.5c.SSBTi.org for several big initiatives, and Green Bee House is one of them. Lowest cost Carbon Accounting & Disclosure: The supply chain council will work with several Non-profit associations to standardize GHG protocols and LCA inventory database, in a bold ambition to lower the cost of carbon accounting within supply chain to almost zero, by leveraging innovations and collaborative efforts in committed council members (active members of local Non-profits) among several industries. Policy & Technology: SSBTi.org will also work with regional policy makers to speed up and scale up the sustainability impacts for a regenerative future. Thanks for our partners in strong donation position to show the bargaining power on policy decision making processes, SSBTi.org will serve as a diligent solution provider based on science & innovations.
- CJCHT-ZEO Announces a Commitment to Achieve the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C
CJCHT-ZEO Announces a Commitment to Achieve the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Business Ambition for 1.5°C •CJCHT-ZEO is making new sustainability commitments. •The Shanghai-based parent company of CJCHT, ZEO, ZEO Greens, ZEO TAGS, ZEO PDQ, and NANOZEO announced on Thursday that it has signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Business Ambition for 1.5°C. •CJCHT's target status is "Target set" has had our target independently validated by the SBTi. •“At CJCHT-ZEO, we are committed to leading with purpose and embracing our responsibility as a global house of fashion brands to effect real and lasting change for our industry and our stakeholders,” said CJCHT Sustainability Director Raymond Wang. ▲CJCHT's target status is "Target set" has had our target independently validated by the SBTi.
- CJCHT-ZEO 宣布推動可持續發展,承諾實現科學碳目標計劃 (SBTi) 1.5度C的企業雄心
CJCHT-ZEO 正在做出新的可持續發展承諾。 總部位於上海的 CJCHT、ZEO、ZEO Greens、ZEO TAGS、ZEO PDQ 和 NANOZEO 的母公司宣布,已簽署基於科學的目標計劃 (SBTi) 1.5°C 的商業目標。 CJCHT(曦爵集團)已提交設定1.5°C科學碳目標,且經SBTi核准。 CJCHT可持續發展總監 Raymond Wang 說,「在 CJCHT-ZEO,我們致力於有目的地引領並承擔我們作為全球時尚品牌之家的責任,為我們的行業和我們的利益相關者帶來真正和持久的變革。」 ▲CJCHT提交設定1.5°C科學碳目標,已得到SBTi核准。
- ZEO® Carbon Footprint certifications and Carbon Neutural box supply chain + Q&A
ackground: CJCHT Group requires all supply chain companies involved to conduct carbon footprint analysis, and use “technology” to break the tie, by employment of ZEO® low carbon solutions to reduce energy and paper consumption, which has been highly recognized as one of the best sustainability projects by the customer and third party verifications. ZEO® corrugated supply chain is growing rapidly with more and more companies joined and supported. Come and help us bring your supply chain greener and more sustainable at almost no cost incurred. 1. ZEO® Carbon Footprint Analysis: ClearCarbon instructed by Wal Mart has conducted a simplified carbon footprint product analysis on the ZEO® corrugate box to understand the reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with box light-weighting, where a standardized Carbon Footprint Model and Data have been established and verified for further applications. Overall, the ZEO® Box compared to the average cardboard box saves a lot of CO2e per year, by the carbon footprint analysis considered the relevant “life cycle” phases of the box, including: Raw material, Raw material transportation, Manufacturing of the box, and Distribution of the box. Details as attached Appendix 1. 2. ZEO® Carbon Neutral and Verification Process: a. Carbon Footprint analysis nd calculations: via the simplified carbon footprint model and data provided by ClearCarbon and Wal Mart, CJCHT/TMIT will assist supply chain corrugated companies to measure and manage associated carbon footprint (in a reduced manner) of the production order for corrugated boxes. b. Carbon Credit purchase: the required Carbon Credit to offset the carbon emissions per product order of ZEO® corrugated boxes will be purchased on open market by bidding for either the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) or independent voluntary standards (VERs); a report of retired carbon credit usage to either end customer or the production plant will be issued by CJCHT/TMIT with certified and legalized number by CERs or VERs. c. Carbon Neutral and Labels: the retired or used VERs or CERs carbon credits to offset the associated corrugated boxes will be labeled via ZEO® stamp (as attached Appendix 2) with proper indications and legalized numbers hereon for due diligence check. 3. Q&A: (1) What is “Carbon Neutral?” Answer: “Carbon Neutral” or “Carbon Offset” refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference. ZEO® Carbon Netural further refers to reducing energy and material used in the corrugated boxes and offsetting the residual amount by a less number of carbon credits as a goal. (2) What is the difference between normal corrugated boxes and ZEO® boxes for Carbon Netural? Answer: Due to the light weighted and less energy used nature of ZEO® boxes, it is certified and exercised transparently that ZEO® boxes can provide a more cost saving scheme in pursuits of Carbon Netural practices. The ZEO® Carbon Footprint model provides a faster, easier and efficient calculation on Carbon Footprints and therefore facilitates the whole process of Carbon Netural, while providing numerous check-and-balance, order-by-order legalized numbers in place for accumulation and improvement later on. (3) Is the certification and legalization process used by ZEO® Carbon Netural “credible”? Answer: Yes. And it’s probably more credible than you can imagine. Unlike some Carbon Netural companies claiming a past-recorded offset and carbon neutral for probably several years’ ago emissions, ZEO® Carbon Netural is aiming at Current and On-going emissions generated per order base and is offsetting them by each true and genuine *CERs or *VERs carbon credits with transparently retired or used records. *the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) and independent voluntary standards (VERs). *the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) and independent voluntary standards (VERs).
- Why we need a green guideline for packaging industry?
Why we need a green guideline for packaging industry? Customers, product supply chains and governments can start to get efficient carbon index and management by this guidline. Corrugated Packaging Industry is a high energy consumption and high carbon emissions industry, where an urgent need is required for a proper industry guideline to lead the industry into suitable recognition and responsibility of green environment. Packaging is a crucial part of whole manufacturing process, and is easier to change subject to consumers’ awareness; the packaging industry shall start to establish industry green guideline and will enjoy more recognition and support from customers. READ MORE... Download PDF(Chinese and English version)