SSBTi 線上講堂
SSBTi & Oscar-LCA 專題演講_淨零排放與永續發展的未來_2024.6.17
主題:SSBTi & Oscar-LCA 專題演講_淨零排放與永續發展的未來
汪瑞民(SSBTi 理事長、台灣磁原科技公司董事長)
陳鼎元(淨零排放韌性供應鏈聯盟Oscar 秘書長、再生能源專家)
Topic: SSBTi & Oscar-LCA Keynote Speech:Net-zero emissions and the future of sustainable development.
Moderator: Associate Professor Yi-Jia Chen (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University)
The main speaker:
Raymond Wang (Chairman of, CEO,NANOZEO Corp.)
Ding-Yuan Chen(Secretary General,Net-zero Supply Chain Alliance for Resilience, OSCAR)
Informative speech